Maintenance is a circular movement

Vanessa Brazeau, Stefan Klein, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia, Lena Skrabs, Liyana Fuad, Lashita Situmorang, Nonay Yoanisarah, Craig McCorquodale, Omnispace, Grėtė Šmitaitė
Ausstellung / Mixed Media

Do., 30.Sep - So., 10.Okt / zeitraumexit

Di-Sa: 18-22 Uhr, So: 15-18 Uhr

Guided tour (in german + english): Di, 5.10., 18 Uhr + So, 10.10., 15 Uhr

In englischer Sprache
teilweise barrierefrei
Eintritt frei!

// 3 G Regel: Einlass nur tagesaktuell getestet, zweifach geimpft oder genesen!

„Maintenance is a circular movement“ shows international artistic positions that address the topic of care and maintenance from very different perspectives. We invited five artists and collectives to create artistic responses to Mierle Laderman Ukeles’ "Manifesto for Maintenance Art" and to realize them within their immediate working and living environment in Lithuania, Scotland, Indonesia, and Germany. Within the festival these works will be presented in a documentary form or streamed live.

More information on the projects:

Maintenance Art 2021, or: Maintenance is a drag, it takes all the fucking time – Craig McCorquodale, in collaboration with Flannery O'kafka (Glasgow)

Taking care of what you're doing: – Vanessa Brazeau, Stefan Klein, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia, Lena Skrabs (Berlin)

Translucent Power
– Liyana Fuad, Nonay Yoanisarah, Lashita Situmorang (Yogyakarta)

Humming at Home - Omnispace (Badung)

Change and Relations in the House - Grėtė Šmitaitė (Kaunas)


Kuration: Charlotte Arens, Gabriele Oßwald, Jan-Philipp Possmann, Projektleitung: Charlotte Arens

Taking Care of What You’re Doing: Practical solutions in easy language - Vanessa Brazeau, Stefan Klein, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia, Lena Skrabs (Berlin) in Kooperation mit The Watch und Alpha nova und Galerie Futura.  

Translucent Power - Liyana Fuad, Lashita Situmorang, Nonay Yoanisarah (Yogyakarta) in Kooperation mit HONF Foundation, Artpresso, Nandur Srawung (Taman Budaya Yogyakarta) und Inkubator Inisiatif. 

Maintenance Art 2021, or: Maintenance is a drag, it takes all the fucking time - Craig McCorquodale (Glasgow) in Kooperation mit Jerwood Arts Live Work Fund.

Maintenance: change and relations in the house - Grėtė Šmitaitė (Kaunas) in Kooperation mit Mental Health Arts Festival Kaunas, Kaunas Artists’ House.

Humming at Home - Omnispace (Badung) in Kooperation mit Omniuum.

Photo: © Grėtė Šmitaitė