Drauf und Dran

Companie M

Sa., 09. Okt + So., 10. Okt / 16 Uhr / Quartiersplatz Jungbusch
In deutscher Sprache
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The younger generation accuses the older generation and Fridays For Future activism has brought along the biggest climate strike in history to date;  pupils at school call out for strike an by downing tools show a new form of civil disobedience. Children call on to grown-ups and politicians to take on more responsibilities. “Drauf und Dran” is an object theatre performance for children and adults that overriding knowledge and age difference gaps in an easy and playful way. With only three objects at hand two performers start a debate on the future of our planet. What is in use: A globe that misses the target, citations taken from the climate negotiations and performative acts that will actually make the audience experience and feel the way we treat the world. 

Performance: Christina Beeck, Miriam Lemdjadi. Regie: Giuseppina Tragni. Musik: Carlos Trujillo.

Gefördert im Impulsprogramm Kunst trotz Abstand des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg und vom Kulturamt Mannheim.

Photo: Carlo Tragni